UC schools

Applying to the University of California (UC) System as an International Student

The University of California undergraduate programs cover dozens of academic majors, hundreds of degree programs, and nine distinct universities scattered around California — a state in the United States that is larger than Vietnam, the U.K., and France (although not combined).  Some of these campuses are predominantly popular among California-based students and fairly accessible for those outside of the state, while others are globally-recognized as top-tier universities and are very hard to get into.

How to Write the University of California Supplement 2023-2024

The University of California is more than Berkeley or UCLA (although those are two of the most popular colleges among our clients). The UC system is made up of nine different colleges (UC Berkeley, UCLA, UC Santa Barbara, UC San Diego, UC Irvine, UC Davis, UC Santa Cruz, UC Riverside, and UC Merced), all with varying acceptance rates, admissions requirements, campus ~vibes~, and class sizes. While the UC system isn’t on the Common App (boo!) they do have a pretty cool portal that allows you to apply to all nine, with the same essays for each, with a simple click. Well, technically nine clicks (gotta check off all the boxes).

UC Schools Legacy Strategy

Maybe your legacy student is dreaming of going to Haas, a UCLA cluster, or even Film School at Santa Cruz. You might be wondering, “will my alumni status help them get into a UC?” It's a question we hear from parents all the time, especially when it comes to UC Berkeley and Los Angeles. So we wanted to break down what legacy means (and doesn’t mean) when applying to top UC schools.

How to Write the UC Application 2022-2023

So you are applying to one (or more) of the 9 UCs? Let’s talk about it. For those out of the loop, the UCs or the Universities of California include 9 campuses across the Golden State. The campuses include Berkeley, Los Angeles, Santa Cruz, Irvine, Riverside, Merced, Santa Barbara, San Diego, and Davis. While the schools range when it comes to size, programs, acceptance rates, etc they all share the same application. Students choose which of the campuses they want to apply to by checking a box on the application and paying separate application fees for each campus. TLDR: applying to one is as easy as applying to all 9, however much cheaper.

UC Berkeley Legacy Guide

It isn’t uncommon in Northern California to see a child dressed up head to toe in UC Berkeley merch. These kids often go on to dream of going to Cal just like their parents did. We work with a lot of these kids and we always get questions from their parents about if their legacy status will help them get in. We have been doing a series on the ins and outs of legacy status at top schools and wanted to dive into what UC Berkeley says about legacy status and what that can mean for your applicant.